Course overview post

Thrive Apprentice to Master

Go from Thrive Apprentice to Master... in Thrive Apprentice! In this course you'll learn how to set up and configure TAP, implement your courses, sell and protect them, and integrate with the best tools on the market.


Course Overview & Instruction

Setup & Apprentice Templates

Initial Setup and General Settings Overview

Overview of Template Management

School Homepage Template

Lesson Templates

Sidebar Customization

Reusing Lesson Template Layouts

Mark Lesson Complete (Button Setup)

Course Overview Template

Restricted Access Templates (Course & Content)

School Header and Footer

Custom Templates for Individual Lessons (and Courses)

Configuring Your Courses

Modules, Chapters, and Lessons

Lesson Resources

Adding Video to Lessons

Adding More Content to Lessons

Access Restrictions in Course Details

Course Completion Page Template

Course Certificates


Creating a Product and Adding Content

Purchase / Access Requirements for Products

Access Restriction Rules

Products as Memberships

Dripping Course Content

Intro to Drip and How to Start the Setup Process

Drip Templates and Where to Start

Specifying Unlock Conditions at the Lesson and Module Level

How to Hide Locked Content Until It Drips

Applying Drip Campaigns to a Product

The Student Experience

Confirmation Page

Getting Their Account Credentials

Standalone Redirecting Login Page

Member Dashboard with Conditional Display Login Form

User Profile Page

Selling Thrive Apprentice Products


Adding SureCart Forms to Our Site

Connect SureCart with Thrive Apprentice Products

Connect SureCart Sales with Email Tools After Course Purchase


Connecting ThriveCart to Thrive Apprentice

Linking ThriveCart Products to Thrive Apprentice Products


Linking WooCommerce and Thrive Apprentice Products

Building a Funnel in CartFlows

CartFlows: Order Bumps, Upsells, and Dynamic Offers

Measure and Manage Students

Thrive Apprentice Analytics

Member Management

Additional Tutorials and Resources

Offer Courses as Lead Magnets

Email Students After They Complete Specific Lessons

Hide the Admin Bar and Login Redirect
